Wednesday, August 13, 2014

HALF MOON (Dedicated to Robbin Williams)

Seeker of gold in dying dusks,
lover of happy endings,
trupet blower of positive thinking.
You whom I’ve tickled
till you cried.
My tears are different,
and only I know of their acid taste.
Demons dance in her shadow,
but to you I will bring only
the lit half of the moon,
so your tears become soft pearls
if only for a night.
Do you know of the churning of sorrow?
Each cell wrung like a wet towel,
becomes a serpent dripping venom.
The cup is full but I hold it in me.
You hear only the laughter,
clear and pure like church bells.
Come let’s celebrate!
Let’s go for a walk in the soft sunshine
holding hands, singing silly rhymes.
Grief becomes tired sometimes,
hides behind the sofa like a scared kitten.
Then it roars and pounces
it merciless claws, its blood-thirsty teeth
mauling sweet pleasures of daily living.
But forget him for now!
We’ll sip poetry slowly around flames
we’ve lit with our hearts.
Dead poets will love alive
in the sparks of our eyes!
We’ll disguise our differences,
I’ll become a face you can finally love.
Wear patient wisdom that you cannot doubt.
Yet it is the passion to be with ones you love
that fires these facades.
Do we lose ourselves in them or
do we find ourselves?
Which face is real?
The puzzles can wait!
Let’s patch up for a while,
let’s laugh together till we heal!
We do not know when
the curtain will fall
or how...

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Mad, moon mad...

 You think it is only me,
who’s mad for the moon?
That treacherous, intoxicating
lump of clay
entrancing the unwary wanderer?
An unsteady, carefree lover,
who will not provide or even remember...
Do you think it is insane
to drench in delight
in silvery showers
that appear and disappear?
Well then let me tell you
I know the longing of the moon.
I know what ripples in his heart
when his rays melt in my eyes.
I hear whispers that only lovers can hear.
Look, it is not just me.
Thirst is a sign.
It is a thread that connects me to you.
It is a road that takes us home.
It is a love-call.
The river that plays and gushes,
secretly longs for lips
that are thirsty for her waters,
for a mouth that knows her sweetness.
When I am quenched so is the river.
No, it’s not just me.
When I swoon in the silver of the moon,
the heavens shiver with delight.

Moon drunk

I confess I drink with my eyes,
I gaze at you and crumble
into bits of delight,
I who can never touch you,
pull you into my dreams.
Joy writhes like a snake in my spine.
I don’t care for the morning
I’m content to look at you and die.
Such is your presence,
that breath is forgotten.
Whoever thought joy couldn’t kill,
should gaze at you, the way I do.
A moment so complete
that one needn’t live another.

Only a love so ridiculous could be true!

The love cliche

What can I say
that you don’t already know?
So, I
wrap the shawl warmly
around the curve of your shoulders,
watch you drink water
your lips not touching the glass,
gaze at you without reason,
sit beside you quietly,
make tea just as you like it,
listen to you breathing,
catch your curl and hang it in a poem,
draw the curtain
so the sun doesn’t hurt your dreams...
crack a cliché and release the kernel,
It is better than turning love
into a three worded phrase.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

The liberated photographer

I’ve often heard this – don’t take photographs when you are out in nature, just soak in the beauty, the camera is an impediment!  Any intense moment is to be experienced and released and cannot be caught in a cage.   I have to say I largely agree. Often when I take workshops in Nature I ask the participants to refrain from photography for a time and simply be absorbed in the activity or experience. It may dilute the intensity.

The reason why the camera is an impediment is because of the ‘capturing’ attitude of the person behind it.  The attitude is the cage, not the camera. When you want to hold on anything, any moment, any person, you block yourself from the total experience.  You don’t absorb it entirely, with all your energy, your sensitivity, your being.  A part is not there – the part that says, I want it to linger, I want to pocket the moment, I want to take it back with me… the way a child may want to take back the ocean in a shell she collects from the shore.  Nice try - doesn’t work!  So, the wise one will say, forget the camera, the totality of the experience is more important, because it is that which will transform. 

However, there is perhaps another perspective we should consider.  Having the camera/tool without the hunger to capture, to see - to simply see, not to hunt!  Whether it is the camera, or the gun, the liberated mind doesn’t go with a purpose to shoot and ‘bring back the meat’.  They simply go for a walk and a beautiful moment may find itself reflected on a film, a poem, a painting… The walk then and what comes through it is like the descent of an art form into the consciousness of the artist, it is about being open, not about ardent seeking.  The artist who paints the sunset, what is he doing?  Is he an idle, imitator or can there be a space where something deeper, nobler can find an expression?

 I’m not referring the the idle chattering mind that has not experienced the deep ecstasy or silence that the experience of beauty brings. There is a movement from silly prattling to a deeper experience that perhaps doesn’t lend itself to words – like love.  But there is also poetry, there is also painting, there is also photography.  If these become forms of art, an ennobled art that captures the suspended silences, the inner alchemy that the outer catalyses, that celebrates the dance of creation, well that shouldn’t be confused with the hollow soda-pop exclamations of, “Oh! how pretty yaar!” 

Saturday, March 30, 2013

It's okay

There is no need to prove myself.
To breathe is enough.

I don’t have to stretch and strain
for a badge,
a car,
a lover.
I cannot hurry my heart,
or anyone else’s.
I am not obliged to rescue the world.
I know this will make
do-gooders squirm.
Let them squirm.
I’m not here to live up to
another’s philanthropism.
To breathe is enough.

I am not here
to offer my life
to a cause, an ideal.
My time is not 
a sacrificial lamb.
I don’t wish to appease any god.
To breathe is enough.

I don’t have to leave behind
a school,
a culture,
a religion,
a child,
of my own.
If some, all or none of this happens
as I breathe, it is okay.
But, for me,
To breathe is enough.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Still photograph

Still photograph.  It is a meditative moment frozen. It is mind-free. It catches your face in its two warm, tender, invisible hands and makes you look ‘there’, pointing its subtle finger at the beauty you would have missed. It makes you see. Really.

It stills racing thoughts and makes you alive through what your eyes can touch. In that sense to see is to be transformed. When you are moving or it is moving you can miss it, but not when it has been stilled and distilled into a frame. Then you see. You see the mist enveloping the stark, leaf-less tree. You see the half shut, dreamy eyes sunk in wrinkled folds of an aged face. You see the glowing smile as it gazed upon freshly bloomed flowers. You see the smoke arising from the flame as she cooks on the earthen stove. The pigeon’s beak becomes an object of art appreciation. You can't miss it.

A still picture is an opportunity for transformation. Frozen frames of ordinary life become beautiful, because now you notice. A space is reached in you which is beyond the conditioned mind that has ready ‘notions’ of beauty. Beauty is what you notice in ‘mind-less’ moments.

Friday, February 17, 2012

a moment

This is how I want you.
Like the last wisp
of orangy light at dusk.
Shadows melting
till they become

No, no lofty thoughts.
A suspended moment,
holding desire,

I look over your shoulders
not touching
Holding togetherness
in a breath
not let out,

quivers on your hair,
like a secret glance.
A moment becomes
a legend.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Inky loneliness.

Dusk, spills over
my heart
like a mistake.
              - hk

Friday, December 2, 2011


Behind closed eyes
In the tender passion 
of a dream,
I behold
the breathing beauty 
of stone bodies
the walls of temples,
Gods wearing bodies 
of painted stone,
worshipped by men
...  men?
Or Gods in flesh,
with forgotten memories?
For, who can tell
the difference, between
God and man and stone?
Carve the iconoclast’s face in a rock,
And the passing years
make him a God,
And who knows
If the prisoner’s stripes
are not holier
than the sage’s saffron?

I worship all
I blaspheme all.
                   - hk

The Wheel

A door left
half open ---
to come? to go?
round and round
we go, we go.
Reaching anywhere?
While in the wheel
we cannot know...

The end of a scene
leads to the beginning
of another.
When will the story end?
Will the story end?
Tears flow
into the cup of a smile,
The smile points
to brimming eyes.
Where is the cloud?
Where the sunshine?
From a distance
The mountains and the valleys
fuse into one patchy plain.
The gift of meeting
the gift of parting
by the time
arms stretch
to give, to receive...
who knows?

The wheel turns,
the river flows,
the mountain stands,
the sky watches...
Round and round
we go, we go.
Turning senselessly
in dizzying fear?
Or spiralling upwards?
…while in the wheel
we cannot know.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

breathe deep

Breathe deep.

The match has struck.
Incense like,
my soul burns.

The breath that
tied it
to the flesh,
is released.
It wafts
into your nostrils,
and mingles in your blood.

I am you now.

I have no identity.

Only be-aware
the original spark -
now vapour,
has melted
in your blood.

Breathe deep.

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Piles of junk -
your words and mine,
without the
silence of our eyes.


The snowflake
of the past,
under your touch.

Now-ness is drenched!

Monday, October 31, 2011


Upside down
aching for answers…

My mind hangs uncomfortably.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Rain water falling
from the ledge -
like bird shit
from the sky.

Lots of it!
    - hk

Friday, October 21, 2011


Like the sun setting
his back turns
on me.
Now golden, now gone.

Thursday, October 20, 2011


The rare ringtone
your memories,
shocks my silences.

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Crows cawing,
     Or your voice,
        telling me to go?


Drip, drip, drip,
Images fall from my mind,

My poem is one hell of a bucket!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

broken glass

Melting butter,

frozen ice,

broken glass…

Your heart is
so hard to know!
                  - hk

Friday, October 7, 2011


It ticks
by hate or storms,

So unlike my heart.

Saturday, October 1, 2011


I've changed them
so many times -
my specs.

You’re still made of stone.
                               - hk